Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Julie and Julia

I have just finished the movie Julie and Julia.
I know its been out for awhile but I'm just getting back up to speed with my movies.
It was cute and some of it wasn't always what I expected.
I learned many things that I did not know about Julia. Well to be honest I didn't really know anything about Julia. I all I knew was that she was a person that loved to cook.
I also did not know that this movie was based off of a real person named Julie's blog.
I guess we can all become inspired to do something. Take me for example I am writing this blog because it gave me something to do, I wanted to try something new, I love to write, my cousin just wrote a book because of her blog, and now this movie gives me more inspiration.
The things you learn from movies.


  1. Julie annoyed the crap out of me, but I enjoyed both the book and movie! You can't go wrong with Meryl!

  2. Heck no I think Meryl is an amazing actress.
